OSCsolutions is a growing collection of tools and things we build to support research, and research evaluation.

JYUcite is a tool for two purposes:

  1. Get Co-citation Percentile Rank (CPR) impact metric for any publication(s) with a DOI.
  2. Get a DORA-compliant view of person's publication list with an ORCID, or list of DOIs. JYUcite shows you the titles, authors, publication dates, plus time- and research-question-normalized citation impact, and even lists similar articles to compare with, but does not show journal names.
Contact researchsupport-osc@jyu.fi if you are using this in JYU recruiting or applicant evaluation. We are happy to help!

JYUpolicyImpact is an overview of how research from University of Jyväskylä is cited in recent policy documents around the world.

OSCandidates is a tool for discovering researchers.

Looking for a post-doc to your project? Looking for peer reviewers to evaluate a tenure applicant? Looking for invited speakers to your symposium panel?
One way is to choose from people you already know about, or asking your colleagues who comes to their mind, but then you are probably limiting yourself to small population of candidates, who look like you, and think like you, and are like you.
OSCandidates lets you define a field of interest by list of DOIs to research articles, define a field of research, define an academic age bracket, and then returns list of all people who fit that, based on their publications and citations.
Contact researchsupport-osc@jyu.fi if you are using this in JYU recruiting or applicant evaluation. We are happy to help!

comparisonMetrics displays publication metrics on a particular set of persons.

Display views are created in response to requests from JYU organisational units, on a list of candidates. At present available for requests from faculty level and up (e.g. on tenure-track applicants), in the future requests from departments and research groups can hopefully also be accomodated.
Contact researchsupport-osc@jyu.fi for more information.

myMetrics is a view into citation and policy-citation metrics of your own publication list.

First make sure you have edited your JYU Converis-profile to include your ORCID (and while you are there, consider also enabling automatic sync of your Converis publications to your ORCID profile) and that at least some of your publications are listed in your ORCID profile page, publicly.

policySources lets you suggest and vote on policy sources that Overton does not index yet, but should start to.

Sources from Finland are probably good nominations for getting societal impact of JYU researchers on the record, but feel free to nominate any source you want, anywhere in the world.

JYU Talent Atlas leverages the algorithms behind OSCandidates to create a more general people-finding service, available for partners outside University of Jyväskylä.